"I can’t believe I’m saying this but it’s official, we are opening our baking supplies shop. When I first started Sab’s Bakes I would have never in a million years think it would become what it is today".

"They always say ‘life is like a roller coaster’ and now I understand why. It has it’s ups and downs, many unexpected ones, but at the end of the day from what I’ve learnt it’s sometimes worth the ride. Thank you so much to each and everyone of my lovely followers who have continued to support me along this crazy ride, I’m so proud and grateful. Sab’s Bakes wouldn’t be where it is today without your endless support, which is why I made the decision to create this shop. My goals are to make baking super fun and easy regardless of your level of expertise, but also build an open space for people to connect and confidently share designs, creations and even ideas". 

"From the bottom of my heart thank you so much, I can’t wait to see what the future lies ahead."

Sabs, CEO & Founder of SabsBakes